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Your 3 Card Tarot Reading

Whats in the cards? Shuffle the deck to find out!

The wisdom of the Tarot is presented below. You may want to save or print this page if you would like to ponder its wisdom later.


Refers to recent events that just took place as well as influences and actions that lead to the present situation.

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The Sun

The Sun is the twentieth card in the Major Arcana, and is given the number 19 to indicate the conscious mind represented by the Magician (1) reaching the self-actualized state of the Hermit (9). A golden-haired child rides bareback on a pure white horse, carrying a red flag. This child is reminiscent of the one who held the flowers up to death, now riding the same white horse of purity, but carrying a red flag instead of a black one, indicating vitality and passion. The child is reborn. The only item the child wears is a headdress, topped with a feather, which symbolizes truth. The Egyptian goddess Ma’at wears a feather on her head—a feather that is used to weigh the souls of the recently deceased to determine if they are worthy to join the Gods in the afterlife. The sunflowers all turn toward the child, denoting that this is truly a child of the Light, as sunflowers are known to turn toward the sun for sustenance. The sun itself shines down on the scene in all its splendor, giving warmth and light to all living things.

The Sun in your past signals a personal rebirth. It indicates a time when you felt light returning to your life. Obstacles were surmounted, filling you with a new sense of happiness. This card can indicate that some money problems that were solved. The wealth you experienced may have been a new relationship, a new career, or a new feeling of health after a bout with illness. The Sun can also indicate a time when you received a proposal of marriage. Overall, this card indicates a time when you experienced pure joy.


Represents what is happening right now. This may be what triggered you to seek out a reading or may represent something you're unwilling to see.

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The Hermit

The Hermit is the Tenth card in the Major Arcana, and is given the number nine to indicate the pinnacle of enlightenment. He stands atop a cold, snowy mountain peak, at the end of a journey he has made alone. He holds a lantern and gazes down the way he has traveled, leading any other seekers to what he has attained. The lantern is rich in symbolism; it denotes both his enlightenment and his willingness to aid others to it. It contains a six-pointed star, which is comprised of two triangles pointing in opposite directions: one up, one down. This shape reveals more of the Hermit’s message: the journey has been inner as well as outer, and his seeking has been within as well as without. He leans on his staff, which is a symbol of his power, making practical use of what he has come to know and master. His grey cloak indicates that he has synthesized the light and dark aspects of himself for his own benefit.

The Hermit signifies guidance. This may be your own “Higher Self” speaking to you, or it may be advice given to you by a trusted friend, or a seasoned professional. It is wise to listen to the wisdom offered, and to your own gut feelings, in the present situation. Those who speak from experience may be able to give you some much-needed perspective, as they have been down the path you are currently following. The Hermit can also indicate a need to withdraw from the outer world to focus on your innermost self.


Describes what is just around the corner. It’s an official “heads up” about where the situation is heading.

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Ten of Pentacles

Overall, the Ten of Pentacles is a card of a good home life, security, prosperity, and happiness...on the surface. Looking closer, the family appears not to notice how lucky they are, which is the deeper message of the card. The man and woman do not walk together; rather, they pass each other briefly as they go through their mundane motions. The people in the situation will take what they have, and each other, for granted. They will be so wrapped up in their daily routines that they will not take the time to acknowledge the magic and blessings around them, symbolized by the ten pentacles surrounding their home. The ten pentacles also have a deeper meaning, echoing the ten Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Remember to look past the trappings of the material world, and seek the blessings of the soul.

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