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Have you found your soulmate? What's on your lover's mind? Are you on the right path in your career? Call Genevieve Elizabeth and get the answers you need!

$3.99/min - First 3 Minutes Free!*

Genevieve Elizabeth

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Genevieve Elizabeth is Away Right Now.

But you can arrange a call back and your phone will ring when Genevieve becomes available!

Photo of Genevieve Elizabeth

Genevieve wants to help you with life problems, whether it be love, money or just general issues she is there to help. What is going on in your life that is overwhelming you and causing you stress. Let's talk about it!

Education and Experience

Genevieve is a natural psychic and a Practicing Witch. She has been reading tarot cards since she was 13 years old and seeing spirits since she was 8 years old. She uses different modalities for different clients, such as tarot cards, oracle cards, crystal balls, a pendulum or even mediumship. This is based upon what the individual needs of her clients are and what she psychically knows that she should use for each person. Genevieve is a powerful medium and she allows the Goddess to direct her to working with each client.

Genevieve first used her mediumship gifts as a child, and has always had the ability to see beyond the veil so that can can assist others at solving their problems. She loves to help people on their journey, and to help make the journey less arduous, through her many gifts and talents.

Let Genevieve help you with your relationships, you career and your life starting TODAY!

Genevieve Elizabeth is Away Right Now.

But you can arrange a call back and your phone will ring when Genevieve becomes available!

$3.99/min - First 3 Minutes Free!*

* Free minutes available only to first-time callers.