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Have you found your soulmate? What's on your lover's mind? Are you on the right path in your career? Call Sarajane Ward and get the answers you need!

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Sarajane Ward

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Sarajane Ward is Away Right Now.

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Photo of Sarajane Ward

Sarajane(from the UK) is a born anointed prophetic oracle in the Shekinah Holy Spirit, communing and calling upon specific Angels, and Seraphims as well as the Sandalphon and Metatron; in the love and authority of Jesus Christ; She was born with this gift and became aware of discerning true light and false light angels, as well as delivering prophecies, understand dreams and also began Her Shamanic journey at age 6 after drowning in a pool, coming to, seeing the face of Jesus and seeing the heavens opening up. Her gifts are about remote viewing, vision questing, understanding of dreams, soul retrievals in spirit realms; and casting out demons. No judgement is ever casted upon anyone. When she speaks with you, she does Her best to show mercy, love and kindness and sometimes humour. Specializing in all sorts of complicated relationships, She can reveal to you all your Soulmates, and Your Twin Soul. She also deals with dream interpretation, seeing through into your spiritual inheritance and lineage, and also career, business and so on. Give Her a go! 20 mins gets you 5 FREE Mins!

Education and Experience

Certified Spiritual & Healing Counselor, Christian Ministry & High Counsel training with Master's Divinity Seminary, Ordained Shaman and Yeshua Minister in 1998.

Sarajane Ward is Away Right Now.

But you can arrange a call back and your phone will ring when Sarajane becomes available!

$8.99/min - First 3 Minutes Free!*

* Free minutes available only to first-time callers.