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Kydra Sommer's Reviews

Feedback from Real Clients About Kydra!

March 23, 2024

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

she is always right. always on point
[Kydra's profile…]

September 12, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra is a wonderful psychic. He tells you the truth about everything. He gives you great answers and advice.
[Kydra's profile…]

September 12, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra is a wonderful psychic. He tells you the truth about everything. He gives you great answers and advice.
[Kydra's profile…]

July 28, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Have been using ands calling Kydra, in like forever, years. I have tried others... but she's the only who comes close to being true and real. She has no hidden agenda... she just truly cares. She's very much on point most of the time.
[Kydra's profile…]

July 26, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Keydra always right. She tells me the truth all the time. She is very good at what she does.
[Kydra's profile…]

July 23, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Unsatisfied
Expertise: Not Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Unsatisfied
Would Consult This Again: No

It started rocky, interrupting each time i tried to ask a question, the interruptions were not pertaining to my qusestions and not making sense to my situation. She told me some things that just didn't sit right with me therefore I asked something I knew about to see if I was correct about her connection, she answered incorrectly and then yelled at me.
[Kydra's profile…]

April 02, 2023

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you Kydra! You have been correct about my journey in regards to a poi! It was definitely going on a snails pace but am now looking forward towards May!!
[Kydra's profile…]

September 03, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra did an excellent job reaching back decades to resolve a problem and accurately described actual physical things from the past
[Kydra's profile…]

August 14, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

She is a very good person and a psychic. I would recommend her to anyone.
[Kydra's profile…]

August 04, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra accurately picked up on my co workers personality and who to watch out for. Completely correct on telling me about a co workers behavior being egotistical. Warned me ahead of time to make sure not to involve this individual into my important meeting.
[Kydra's profile…]

June 27, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Major prediction from Kydra came true, she predicted accurately for me about my promotion at work taking place real soon. I at first thought it wasn't and possibly going to take awhile. I was sure wrong and Kydra predicted it correctly within the timeframe she said. Love her energy and am grateful to have found her!
[Kydra's profile…]

May 11, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Another correct prediction from Kydra! Told me that I my condo is going to be sold week and was going to be happy with the offer. She was correct, received the news this morning on the offer and am happy with the proposal! Will be in touch, thank you Kydra!
[Kydra's profile…]

April 04, 2022

Professionalism: Satisfied
Expertise: Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

In the beginning, i wasn't sure who to choose and I was skeptical. But I kept an open mind and tried to send my energy as much as I can. Very happy i found Kydra. She tries to give pieces of advice and guides me base on what she sees and what she feels. And what she feels and sees are, for the most part, very much on point. She told me stuff before that I didn't even know, but then later on found out to be true. She got my trust. No judgement from her, very professional and makes you feel comfortable, she just tries to help as much as she can and explains everything as much as she can.
[Kydra's profile…]

April 01, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Very Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra's vision was always seeing me accepting a job offer without having me jump through hoops. Kept seeing a man with dark hair that will give me a job offer. I wasn't sure what she was talking about or who but sure enough, the dark hair man is a buddy of mine who reached out to me about a job opportunity. Just went through the one interview and accepted the offer.
[Kydra's profile…]

March 18, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Unsatisfied
Expertise: Extremely Unsatisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Unsatisfied
Would Consult This Again: No

Bad- she talk over me- repeated questions- will not answer my question directly- told me I had to add money if I want the answers
[Kydra's profile…]

January 06, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Warnings are about upcoming negative events, we hope are wrong. I asked Kydra 12/1/21 to confirm that I will find work in a week. She said probably not to after the holidays in early spring. I rested a week, worked a week , but got Covid positive test & really sick & can't be certified to work until 1/20 and only with a Negative test. Kydra's prediction, although I thought couldn't be correct was ACURATE.
[Kydra's profile…]

January 06, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

The "lover" came back as Kydra predicted. Reaching out late at night and planning to make a trip to see me all came true. I'm shocked and am lucky to have been given the heads up by Kydra and her amazing spirit guides!
[Kydra's profile…]

January 01, 2022

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Happy new year Kydra! Thanks for the New Years reading and l look forward to 2022 :)
[Kydra's profile…]

December 07, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you Kydra! Always a pleasure talking to you and your on-point readings!
[Kydra's profile…]

November 30, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

When I call for a specific reason, I always receive helpful specific information. Who could ask for more?
[Kydra's profile…]

November 17, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I love talking to Kydra, she picks up on people and situations accurately for me. She's been correct on someone I've been interested in awhile and she was correct that this person reaching out to me. I didn't think this person would contact me again but did! Look forward to the additional predictions :)
[Kydra's profile…]

October 12, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you Kydra for letting me know what is going on behind the scenes with the crazy people I have to deal with m. Glad to know that they are now starting to deal with bad karma! ;)
[Kydra's profile…]

August 21, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Absolutely love talking to Kydra! She's been correct with my work situation. She told me that a co worker was going to do something under handed. I didn't know what she was talking about at first but sure enough, she was correct! The co worker was caught doing something under handed by both me and my boss. Look forward to how the rest unfolds! Thanks Kydra!
[Kydra's profile…]

July 07, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Over a year ago Kydra warmed me about an very underhanded man who worked in my organization. As Kydra predicted, he orchestrated a serious legal case against me. This caused me to lose my job for a year during an investigation. Kydra said the case will be resolved in my favor and gave me hope during the dark moments of insecurity I had. Today I receive the verdict of substantiated accusation and soon will be free to return to work. What do you think about that!!!
[Kydra's profile…]

June 21, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thanks Kydra! You have been very helpful in providing me insights into my new home. You were correct about us finding our dream home and we're very happy it all went smoothly. Will be in touch!
[Kydra's profile…]

June 17, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Many months ago, Kdradra told me that in the future my legal representative would be totally repulsed at my male adversary's crude comment and work harder on my behalf. It happened during a hearing. today. Sometimes it takes alittle longer for our wishes to happen
[Kydra's profile…]

June 13, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Patti C
[Kydra's profile…]

May 10, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Love talking to Kydra! She has been my advisor for about a year now and has been correct about my job and home situation. Happy to see that things are turning around for the positive! Will be in touch!
[Kydra's profile…]

April 27, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra first advised me of a backstabbing co-worker who worked with others to engineer my termination, WHICH HAPPENED. For many months Kydra told me that I would have a hearing, however, it was blocked for so long I lost hope. Today I called Kydra to inform her that she was right, I won the right to appeal and be represented by my union, despite the trick of underhanded people! Let's hear it for Kydra!
[Kydra's profile…]

April 21, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

so far she has been right about the POI wanting to move, about the obstacles, now im just waiting for the timeframe she spoke of to come to pass
[Kydra's profile…]

February 05, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thanks Kydra! You're absolutely right, things are turning positive. Will be in touch soon!
[Kydra's profile…]

February 04, 2021

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Great reading!
[Kydra's profile…]

December 09, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you so much! I look forward to 2021 :) Many blessings Kydra
[Kydra's profile…]

December 09, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you Kydra, It's always a pleasure having my readings with you. The universe does work in mysterious and crazy ways. I look forward to next year with optimism and blessings. Will talk soon, take good care!
[Kydra's profile…]

November 26, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Very accurate readings . Honest. Clear . Accurate
[Kydra's profile…]

October 26, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Very Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra has a different style to psychically tap into the situation. I was satisfied with how she answered my questions.
[Kydra's profile…]

September 18, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Very Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Very accurate new small details without me saying them or hinting at it .
[Kydra's profile…]

September 12, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Very Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Very Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

It's been a journey since mid April in regards to my job situation but Kydra kept seeing my high paying job. She saw the places to watch out for since she knew they would be toxic and not a happy place for me. Finally, found my job that is high paying and interviewed with people that were really nice and not egotistical. Thanks Kydra!
[Kydra's profile…]

August 14, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I called Kydra to ask about two particular woman in a negative work situation While I was speaking Kydra interjected with a forceful warning about a man I barely know and I thought had nothing to do with my work problem. Three days later I was fired and now await a court hearing because this man spent days executing an entrapment plan based solely on his and another persons lies. I was blindsided!
[Kydra's profile…]

July 04, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

She provided great detail and tuned in to my situation quickly
[Kydra's profile…]

June 12, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I love Kydra! She's such a beautiful soul! It's awesome on how great she connects with me and with spirit! She provides me wonderful advice and is always able to connect with me to provide important information (never sugar coats, provides both good and bad). I highly recommend Kydra!
[Kydra's profile…]

May 24, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Double spot on predictions. First Kydra said that a sudden coolness a business had toward me had nothing to do with me but with the health of the person involved and the difficulty only one family member must bare , as others won't help. I spoke with the daughter and Kydra was correct #2) I work. I'm 73. I live in NYC the death due to Corona virus is the highest in the US. I sometimes misplace things when I am exhausted. I used Kydra's glass spell AGAIN and again. I found my wallet
[Kydra's profile…]

May 20, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Thank you Kydra!! :)
[Kydra's profile…]

May 07, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I love talking to Kydra! Such an awesome, straight shooter when it comes to her readings! No sugar coating, just the facts she picks up from spirit and from peoples energy. I adore her personality and she picks up on my poi's with clarity. I really appreciate the news she's been providing me, thanks Kydra!!
[Kydra's profile…]

May 05, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Lauren Jenks
[Kydra's profile…]

April 16, 2020

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Very Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Very Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I really enjoy talking to Kydra, she calls things as she sees them and doesn't sugar coat. She was completely correct on a poi I was concerned about. She's become my go to whenever I have concerns or questions on specific individuals.
[Kydra's profile…]

August 10, 2019

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

Kydra assured me that a meeting with an outside contractor would rule in my favor vs the hostile Super of my NYC building. I still will have to go to court but now with proof . Sometimes in desperate situations the encouragement from Kydra makes a big difference and may even provide *** just the right amount of confidence.
[Kydra's profile…]

August 04, 2019

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I lost most of my important valuables in my purse and likely in my house, upset by new carpeting and new furniture. Since strangers were in and out I was worried. Kydra gave a special procedure & suggested calming my mind and 2 days later I found my purse and many, many more misplaced things. This was really practical magic. Thank you Kydra
[Kydra's profile…]

July 16, 2019

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

She was very accurate about issues I had discussed with her so I'm definitely looking forward to the prediction that she was telling me to look forward to.
[Kydra's profile…]

July 08, 2019

Professionalism: Extremely Satisfied
Expertise: Extremely Satisfied
Ability to Communicate: Extremely Satisfied
Would Consult This Again: Definitely

I have left multiple feedback notes here, but hey - there is no limit, right? She's simply the best. Each time she makes a prediction that seems unlikely or strange, I shrug my shoulders and try to keep an open mind. And then - here it is! Just as she said. Unbelievable!!
[Kydra's profile…]